Activities, Pray and Give Thanks, Reflections

FIRST SG Homeschool e-Convention 2020

‘Should we postpone the convention?’‘Should we bring the whole convention online?’‘How will we do it?’ ‘What about the speeches?’ ‘How about Village?’ ‘Can the Curriculum Fair go online?’ ‘What about security?’ Those were some of the questions the organisation team had to wrestle with for a whole week in February this year when the government stepped up the risk… Continue reading FIRST SG Homeschool e-Convention 2020

Activities, My Family

Where have U Bin?

Haha, sorry for the pun. Well, where have U been? Recently, I went to Pulau Ubin (pronounced- oobeen), the second largest island in Singapore, and participated in a workshop called Young Hearts for Conservation. It was really nice to be away from the concrete jungle and not hear the sounds of cars. On Pulau Ubin, I… Continue reading Where have U Bin?

Activities, Education, My Family, Reflections

Young Hearts for Conservation-Pulau Ubin

Who would have thought that in going to Pulau Ubin, I would get to see how dirty our beaches actually are, experience the process of reforestation and find out how NParks takes care of all the parks and forests in Singapore. Initially on the first day, I was a bit disappointed as we spent the morning… Continue reading Young Hearts for Conservation-Pulau Ubin


Homeschooling My Children

I stayed home right after I delivered John in April 2000. With Rebecca arriving only in 2003, I had 3 good years with John. We did a lot of things together - we talked, sang, read, played, did craft work, cleaned the bathroom, went out to parks, libraries, museums etc. I also taught him to… Continue reading Homeschooling My Children